Stable nucleus of about 15 researchers, mostly from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zaragoza
Economy, technology, nature, environment, demand patterns, productivity and the role of institutions
R&D projects financed in competitive calls by Administrations or public and private entities
The foundations of any process of economic growth are technology, demand and available natural resources. In the past, aspects of technology have mostly been studied at the factory level, but today the dominant focus is on environmental impacts, resources, demand, overall productivity, and the role of institutions. This defines the field of work of the CREDENAT group.

Consolidated Research Group by the Government of Aragon.

More than 20 years of experience analyzing the connections between the economic system, the environment and society.

Lines of research and methodologies combining studies, theoretical and methodological issues.

Growth, Demand and Natural Resources (CREDENAT) is a research group of the Department of Economic Analysis located in the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Zaragoza.

Lines and publications
The group's lines of research focus on economic growth, technological change, water economics, natural resources, environmental impacts, demand patterns, global productivity and the role of institutions.

Projects and contracts
A team with a stable nucleus of 15 researchers who have carried out different research projects, already counting on more than 25 years of experience as a group, being recognized as a "reference group" by the Government of Aragon.
Stable nucleus of about 15 researchers, which expands to more than 20 when interns and researchers in training are included
Lines of investigation

Natural resources and water models

Economic growth and dynamics of the economy


Social and environmental economic impacts

Input-output models

Evolutionary models

General equilibrium models

Evolutionary and dynamic models

Econometric tools

Social accounting matrices